is a Japanese serialized morning television drama that aired on NHK from April 1 to September 28 of 2002. The series totalled 156 episodes. It chronicles the life of Matsushita Sakura, a Sansei (third-generation) Japanese-American living in Hawaii. She moves to a small town in Japan to be an assistant language teacher for Japanese middle-school students. The show, lasting only 15 minutes long, is on every morning except Sunday, every week. Sakura first comes to Japan living with her grandparents; later, she moves because she has to teach English to the Japanese students. There she learns many valuable lessons and makes new friends. == Cast == * Shiho Takano - Elizabeth Sakura Matsushita (primary character) * Hideji Otaki - James Takero Matsushita (Sakura's grandfather, narrator) * Yukiyoshi Ozawa - Keisuke Katsuragi * Ken Teraizumi - Ichiro Matsushita * Hiromi Ōta as Kyoko Matsushita (Sakura's mother) * Keiko Tsushima - Toshiko Matsushita * Kaori Itakura - Momo Matsushita (Sakura's sister) * Thane Camus - Robert Hoffman (Sakura's fiancé) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Sakura (NHK)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク